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Review of Publisher Ad Network

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Publisher Ad Network REVIEW

Publisher Ad Network Quick Facts:

  1. Program name: Publisher Ad Network (PAN)
  2. URL: https://www.publisheradnetwork.com/
  3. Country: US
  4. Ad types: Banners, Video ads, in-image ads, slider ads
  5. Ad formats/sizes: Full list of ad types, sizes and specs can be found here, additional info in their ad specs document (.pdf, 41 KB)
  6. Commission types / Payment Model: CPM
  7. Rate per click/lead/etc: N/A
  8. Payment methods: PayPal
  9. Minimum payout: $1 (no minimum payout)
  10. Payout percentage share with publishers: N/A
  11. Payment frequency: NET 30
  12. Auto-accepts ads / option for manual ad approval: N/A
  13. Setup method: Manual code insertion
  14. Skills and effort required to setup and manage: Average skills required to install, minimal effort required to manage
  15. Time until relevant ads appear on website after signup/installation:
  16. Conflict with other programs and/or exclusivity: N/A
  17. Requirements / Restrictions:
  18. Coverage and Geographic focus: Global coverage
  19. Support/troubleshooting: Dedicated campaign managers for each publisher, tech support contact info can be found here
  20. Contact info: 1-800-490-3706, online contact form here

Publisher Ad Network Review

Ad Network Logo

Established in 2010, Publisher Ad Network, also known as PAN, is a newcomer in the arena of online advertising that directly competes with some of the biggest names in the industry and is one of over a hundred such programs we review on experienced-people.co.uk.

PAN offers publishers various signup incentives to join, including an enticing promotional 150% up-front payment based on the publisher’s previous AdSense earnings. Moreover, Publisher Ad Network officially guarantees a 100% ad fill rate (based solely on validated PAN server statistics)! Campaigns run on fixed CPM rates which combined with the 100% ad fill rate guarantee create a stable payment environment for publishers.

PAN supports text, gif, flash and rich media banners in many standard-sized ad formats; nothing extraordinary here. On top of their typical ads though, PAN has recently launched their Platinum Reel program. The Platinum Reel provides publishers with free, fully-licensed video content relevant to the niches of their sites. These videos are already monetized and provide a quick and easy way for publishers to collect returns as long as they don’t mind using syndicated content.

Their ad inventory is medium-sized but decent and the network itself reaches 1 billion monthly ad impressions and over 30 million video ad views monthly, as stated in their media kit presentation (also available in .pdf form here, 852 KB)

Apart from some minor quirks their official website is good and informative about the program’s ins and outs. Tech support is solid and directly reachable through various means and the program’s dashboard is easy (if not somewhat limited) to use.

Publisher Support Network has recently received some good publicity thanks to some innovations they brought to the market (namely their syndicated videos Platinum Reel program) and many popular forums have been abuzz with discussions and comments from publisher who tried PAN.

While they might not offer groundbreaking ad units, PAN’s confidence in their results, as reflected in the guarantees and promotional offers, can be reassuring to many publishers; especially since the network pays up-front for the first month and there is no minimum payout or other obligations to join and try them out. Finally, their Platinum Reel program provides an easy (if not lazy!) option to quickly monetize websites by utilizing canned video content. Read about other monetizing programs at experienced-people.co.uk/1200-make-money-from-websites/ and you can leave your own comments and feedback about Publisher Ad Network at our Publisher Ad Network forum thread.

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