Visit Chitika eMiniMalls

What's Chitika working on?

Coming improvements

- Quicker stats
- More detailed stats
- Daily audits
- UK local listings
- France local listings
- Ads for RSS
- & for books/travel
- UK merchants
- Pounds & Euro prices
- More ad formats
- Ad preview tool


Recent developments

CHANNELS! (Nov 7th)

The code page now automates the addition of keywords to your ad code. Log into your account to see it

- Banner ads for referral program

- Totals in stats


Signed up for Chitika and not profitable?
We can help.


A collection of resources for the Chitika program


This page is a collection of articles, resources, blogs, advice, code, help, and information on the Chitika eMiniMalls program.

Chitika Home Page  |  Chitika Blog  | Sign up for Chitika


1. Starting with Chitika eMiniMalls

2. Problogger discusses Chitika

3. Adsense compared to Chitika

4. Ensight discusses Chitika

5. Jenstar discusses Chitika

6. A full review of Chitika eMiniMalls

7. Another discussion of Chitika

8. Searchenginejournal mentions Chitika

9. Gotgoodlist lists some Chitika stuff

10. Full collection of Chitika code and tips

11. Blogspot dot com blogging about Chitika

12. Chitika help / site reviews / examples