Visit Chitika eMiniMalls

What's Chitika working on?

Coming improvements

- Quicker stats
- More detailed stats
- Daily audits
- UK local listings
- France local listings
- Ads for RSS
- & for books/travel
- UK merchants
- Pounds & Euro prices
- More ad formats
- Ad preview tool


Recent developments

CHANNELS! (Nov 7th)

The code page now automates the addition of keywords to your ad code. Log into your account to see it

- Banner ads for referral program

- Totals in stats


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Behind the scenes at Chitika

Some FAQ not actually provided on the Chitika site

1. How much am I going to earn?

Nobody can say for sure, of course, but we can go a little further than the Chitika site and say that experiences of colleagues and those who've been using eMiniMalls in their blogs suggests that Click Through Rate is slightly lower than Adsense, Earnings Per Click is substantially higher. And, for those staying with Chitika overall earnings from Chitika compared to Adsense are anywhere from about 1.5x to 10 times more.

Payment is by Paypal but you do not need to provide a Paypal account or Paypal email address. They are just as happy to send you a cheque. However, the minimum amount is $50.

2. What's new?

There are a series of new features and improvements coming to eMiniMalls. Some of them can be found in the column to the right on this page. More on the Chitika FAQ page and the Chitika blog.

3. Does my referrer know how much I've earned?

If you are the only person he's referred he can tell how much you've earned by the simple task of multiplying his referral earnings (shown separately in stats) by 10. However, if he has made more than one referral he doesn't have a breakdown of each one's commission.

4. Rounding up of referral income

If you are referring other webmasters to Chitika you get 10% of what they make. So far it looks like it's rounded to the nearest cent. When your referral makes $47.17 you get $4.72, when your referral makes $48.23 you get $4.82.

5. Do I get a commission on the referral commissions anybody I recommend makes?

The program is only one level deep.


6. Will the payout drop from the current 60%?

Some publishers seem to believe that this high a figure has got to be an opening gambit to lure people in and that it's unsustainable. I don't believe that this is the case. The market is hotting up now with YPN, Adsense, Chitika and others competing for your space. The more the competition the better the market is able to iron out any gulfs between the programs. Chitika's competitors are paying in the range of 60% and it looks like they are all going to have to increase that percentage to retain/gain publishers. We are now a valuable commodity with people fighting for us. The ground is set for a commissions battle and the winners are going to be the small publishers like you and me.


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